Welcome to the AskMate AI community!

Our mission is to bring joy to everyone and encourage creativity. To ensure that everyone enjoys AskMate AI community, please follow all the relevant laws, and respect the rights of people and communities all around the world, when you are using AskMate AI App and ourservices. These Community Guidelines will explain which rules you should follow when you are using AskMate AI App and our services.

Please keep in mind that Blubuddy reserves its right to investigate and take necessary steps, including removing content; suspending service access to a user; removing, blocking orbanning account or server; and reporting to the relevant public authorities, if we find a violation of our Community Guidelines.

Follow the law

AskMate AI aims to create a safe place where the laws are followed. Please do not conduct any activity or create a content that violates any applicable national, federal, state, local or international law or regulation.

Any content which encourages, glorifies, supports or suggests an illegal activity is strictly prohibited. This includes contents that promote, support or enable

Safety of Minors

It is unacceptable to create any content which exploits or harms minors; attempts, risks or threatens to exploit or harm a minor or has a purpose or an effect of exploiting or harming a minor.

We have zero tolerance for content that describes a child in a sexual, pornographic or violent manner. We will remove both such content and account; and report it to the relevant public authorities.

Content Safety

AskMate AI aims to create a safe place for everyone. We do not allow our services to be used to create any content that depicts pornography, nudity, sexual imagery, sexual organs, sexualintercourse, sexual service, genitals or any intimate images.

We strictly prohibit creation of any gore content, which includes illustrations of violence,blood, deformed bodies or detached body parts of humans and animals etc.

Misinformation and harmful content

AskMate AI is not a platform for creating or sharing harmful content or misinformation. Misinformation means any content that is false, inaccurate or misleading.

False, inaccurate or misleading information and/or content with the purpose of harming others or that poses a risk to harm others cannot be generated or disseminated on AskMate AI. Somenon-comprehensive examples are,- any medical advice and medical results interpretation; e.g.,

We do not allow creating or sharing content for the purpose to be used for administration of justice, law enforcement, immigration or asylum processes, including predicting an individual will commit fraud or crime (such as by text profiling, drawing causal relationships between assertions made in documents, indiscriminate and arbitrarily-targeted use).


AskMate AI is not a place for harassment of any kind. We do not allow any content that is defamatory, insulting, indecent, offensive, profane, disparaging or otherwise harasses others.

This includes any personal attacks, name-calling, trolling, profanity, sexual objectification,content intended to shame or degrade other people (such as shaming people for their bodies,sexual practice, or mocking people for depression).

Hateful behavior

AskMate AI is a platform of a diverse community and has zero tolerance for hateful behavior. We strictly prohibit

AskMate AI is not a place for creating or sharing a content intended to or which has the effect of discriminating against or harming individuals or groups based on online or offline social behavior or known or predicted personality characteristics.


Do not generate or disseminate any content that encourages, promotes or glorifies self-harm. This includes

AskMate AI App cannot be used to create a content of self-harm as a form of threat or emotional manipulation.

Private information

We value the protection of privacy; and we do not allow generation or dissemination of a content that infringes privacy of people or that reveals private personal information or personally identifiable information without permission.

A short list of non-comprehensive examples is as follows:

Intellectual Property Rights and Other Rights.

AskMate AI cares about the protection of intellectual proper rights or any other kind of personal rights.

Do not generate or disseminate any content that infringes intellectual property rights of any person (such as copyrights or trademarks).

We do not allow any content that violates, threatens to violate or otherwise make adverse impact on personal rights of individuals, or that otherwise creates or modifies a binding, enforceable obligation.

If you come across a content or a user that you suspect may violate our Community Guidelines, please report it to us via support@blubuddy.io you have a question about our Community Guidelines, please get in touch via our support team support@blubuddy.io

These guidelines will continue to be updated over time. We will notify you of further updates.

Thank you for helping us to keep AskMate AI a safe and strong platform that everyone enjoys.